Employees’ Job Satisfaction in the Headquarters of Public Work Department of Sarawak

Faculty of Business and Design
Master of Human Resource Management

Employees’ Job Satisfaction in the Headquarters of Public Work Department of Sarawak
The purpose of this study was to examine and analyse employees’ job satisfaction in the Headquarters of Public Work Department Sarawak (JKR Sarawak). This study contained the central research problem, which is employee satisfaction survey which was never been done in JKR Sarawak. The mood of employees was never been measured and the management do not know how is their employees level of satisfaction towards the organization. This study was an attempt to determine what selected factors are related to employees’ job satisfaction.

The respondents which consist of 190 employees from various demographic characteristics were randomly selected for this study.

This study was using Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaires (MSQ) short form and demographic questions as a data collection instrument and it were distributed to respondents as a source of collecting data. One-Way ANOVA was used to identify differences in job satisfactions among employees based on their age, education level, and length of services. Independent Sample T Test was used to identify differences in job satisfactions based on their gender. And Pearson Correlation was used to determine the relationship between extrinsic and intrinsic factor to employees’ job satisfaction.

The findings showed that the average job satisfaction score of JKR Sarawak employees is 73.47%. A highest level of job satisfaction was indicated by 108 (56.8%) of the respondents, whereas 82 (43.2%) indicated an average level. A significant difference in job satisfaction was found between the pairs within the subgroup of employees’ line of works. Amongst the highest ranked of employees’ job satisfaction factors are security, activity, social services and abilities utilisation. The lowest ranked were responsibility and career advancement 

Thus, it is recommended that JKR Sarawak to review on their job description and job process and standard of procedure in order to give more responsibility to their staff in doing their own tasks. This public sector organisation was also recommended to address issues on employee well being through employee assistant program  and to design and implement strategies to enhance the job satisfaction levels of different Line of Works.

Author: Sati George
Publication year: 2018