The Relationship Between Work Characteristics and Work-Family Interfaces in Padawan Municipal Council

Faculty of Business and Design
Master of Human Resource Management

The Relationship Between Work Characteristics and Work-Family Interfaces in Padawan Municipal Council
This study aims to identify the relationship between work-characteristics and work-family interfaces in Padawan Municipal Council. Data was collected through questionnaire which were administered to a total of 211 respondents from the Padawan Municipal Council at 10th mile, Kota Padawan, Kuching, Sarawak. The data obtained were subjected to descriptive and inferential analyses. The results indicate that work role conflict and work role ambiguity have a significant relationship with work-family conflict respectively whereas work role ambiguity and job autonomy have a significant relationship with work-family enrichment. Besides, the most dominant factor of work-family conflict in this study is role conflict while the most dominant factor of work-family enrichment is job autonomy.  It is recommended that further researches be carried out on other factors and moderators which could influence work-family interfaces in both public and private sectors.

Author: Ng Siang Wei
Publication year: 2018