Swin-eCounselling Resources – Depression

While almost anyone can feel depressed at some point in their lives, when these feelings stick around and impede your everyday functioning, it can be evidence of a more serious condition, known as Clinical Depression. If you are experiencing any …

Swin-eCounselling Resources – Depression

While almost anyone can feel depressed at some point in their lives, when these feelings stick around and impede your everyday functioning, it can be evidence of a more serious condition, known as Clinical Depression. If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, you may be at risk of Clinical Depression, and could benefit from speaking with a counsellor, or other healthcare professional. It is important that you make an appointment with a healthcare professional as soon as possible to deal with these symptoms before they become more serious.

  • Two weeks of abnormal depressed mood
  • Loss of interest and decreased energy
  • Loss of confidence
  • Excessive guilt
  • Recurrent thoughts of death
  • Poor concentration
  • Agitation (over-energised) or retardation (having no energy)
  • Sleep disturbance
  • Change in appetite

These symptoms can be evidence of other serious conditions, so it is important to speak to a medical professional to reach an accurate diagnosis. Speaking to a Counsellor can help you to deal with any issues that may be contributing to these symptoms, and find ways to overcome them.

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