Esther Perry

Lecturer, School of Foundation Studies


Swinburne Sarawak has been a great part of my life. I remember attending the interview eight years ago. I was young, naïve and had just graduated from university. I was mesmerized by the people and the beautiful buildings right at the center of my hometown. I did not believe that I would pull through as the interview was tough and I was not positive about being accepted. I had never done anything that was out of my comfort zone. It got even funny when I received the offer letter on 1 April – April Fool’s Day. I thought it was a prank so I ignored the letter until a Human Resource personnel called me.

I have grown a lot, from a young, naïve university graduate. I love every aspect of my job as a lecturer. Being part of Swinburne is more than just a job for me – it’s my career, my new life and I am always happy to tell people about it.

I look forward for more wonderful years with Swinburne Sarawak. For those who are looking for a new experience that is out of your comfort zone and if you are willing to expand your capability, Swinburne Sarawak is the right place. You will never know how much you can really do until you try.

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