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About Swinburne


The staff and students of Swinburne Sarawak will be entrepreneurial and international in their work. Swinburne Sarawak will become recognised for flexibility in learning and teaching, for focused research, and for industry & community engagement, making it the University of choice in the region.



1. To be entrepreneurial in our endeavours

  • Develop an increasingly entrepreneurial culture
  • Innovative ideas and a creative and dynamic environment to be generated by staff and students
  • New curricula, and new principles and theories of curricula to be developed
  • Innovative teaching, research and administration utilized to encourage creativity, flexibility and responsiveness in our operations
  • Graduates to meet the challenges of competitive business environments and rapidly changing communities with the flexibility and awareness to be successful
  • Graduates to contribute to the creation of both social and economic wealth

2. To be international in our outlook

  • Make a major contribution to Swinburne’s status as an international university
  • Meet our local and regional obligations
  • Recruit students, with financial as well as intellectual capital, from around the world
  • Graduates to bring an enhanced intellectual perspective to the workplace
  • Graduates to be rich in skills
  • Be members of an international education community
  • Have an enhanced international perspective on learning and teaching
  • Build Swinburne into a significant international university

3. To be intersectoral in our approach

  • For Swinburne Sarawak: enhance pathways opportunities for students
  • Utilize our dual-sector nature to create advantages for students, staff and industry
  • Students to take advantage of pathways between foundation, diploma and degree programs
  • Staff to collaborate across sectors to increase recruitment and education opportunities
  • Serve industry’s education, training, operational and research needs, ranging from workplace training and short courses, to PhDs and from one-off research projects and industry training, to continuing research collaborations

4. To be flexible in our learning and teaching

  • For Swinburne Sarawak: ensure equivalence in our learning and teaching quality, and outcomes, with those of Swinburne Melbourne.
  • Have our flexible approaches to learning and teaching - creating an engaging, stimulating and modern environment in which students learn and develop proactively - recognised
  • Sustain a co-operative, stable and supportive community for students
  • Inform learner-centred programs with scholarship and research
  • Equip students with the knowledge and thinking skills needed to work in an international workplace
  • Ensure students are capable of maximum mobility

5. To be focused in our research

  • For Swinburne Sarawak: develop and improve our research profile, both within the existing Swinburne focus and also in response to Sarawakian and Malaysian-specific opportunities
  • Develop our basic and applied research activities
  • Define research relevance and real-life applications in industry and community as key unique-features
  • Extend our discipline research and development into applied pedagogy and scholarship

6. To be engaged with Industry and the community

  • Staff and students to engage with industry, the professions, and the community, and build productive educational and research partnerships
  • Professional practice to be encouraged as an important element of building these partnerships
  • Provide industry-based learning and focused industry research in Swinburne Sarawak’s sphere of activity
  • Enhance the employability of graduates through these practices and partnerships
  • Make a significant contribution to the community through social service


Strategic Goals

  • To enhance professional and vocational learning outcomes
  • To strengthen Swinburne’s research performance
  • To internationalise the University community and its activities
  • To engage actively with industry and the wider community
  • To be innovative in building organisational sustainability, agility and responsiveness to stakeholder needs


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