CIDB Green Card Course

The objective of this course is to educate and inform engineering students about the importance of occupational health and safety, performing engineering tasks under safe and secure conditions as well as some measures to take in case of a disaster. …

CIDB Green Card Course

The objective of this course is to educate and inform engineering students about the importance of occupational health and safety, performing engineering tasks under safe and secure conditions as well as some measures to take in case of a disaster. …

CIDB Green Card Course

The objective of this course is to educate and inform engineering students about the importance of occupational health and safety, performing engineering tasks under safe and secure conditions as well as some measures to take in case of a disaster. Not only that, this course aims to educate the members on the knowledge to become a green card holder and help the attendees to apply their personal green card. The event was held on 06 Apr in Lecture Hall B006, the talk was given by Mr. Simon Thomas.


Reported by: Ir. Dr. Liew San Chuin, Angelia (Lecturer – Civil Engineering
Edited by: Ng Lieu Thai (Lecturer – Civil Engineering