Python-based Bioinformatics Workshop for University Malaysia Pahang

In a bid to expose biology students to programming, Dr Xavier Chee ran a Bioinformatics Workshop for Biotechnology undergraduates from University Malaysia Pahang (UMP) on the 26 November 2021. The workshop was only opened to a small group of students …

Python-based Bioinformatics Workshop for University Malaysia Pahang

In a bid to expose biology students to programming, Dr Xavier Chee ran a Bioinformatics Workshop for Biotechnology undergraduates from University Malaysia Pahang (UMP) on the 26 November 2021. The workshop was only opened to a small group of students …

Python-based Bioinformatics Workshop for University Malaysia Pahang

In a bid to expose biology students to programming, Dr Xavier Chee ran a Bioinformatics Workshop for Biotechnology undergraduates from University Malaysia Pahang (UMP) on the 26 November 2021. The workshop was only opened to a small group of students as a pilot project. Throughout the four hours, UMP students and lecturers learnt about basic Python programming and some core concepts of bioinformatics such as analyzing gene mutations using programming. The course had received positive feedback from students and lecturers alike. Future plans such as running more workshops and expanding course content (e.g. covering machine learning) are currently underway.