Collaborating with University of Western Australia

Tuesday 11 October 2016

Swinburne Research at the Australian National Geotechnical Centrifuge Facility. Swinburne will be getting the same centrifuge as shown in the picture.

Swinburne Research and UNIMAS visited Australia’s National Geotechnical Centrifuge Facility at the University of Western Australia. Swinburne is scheduled to get the same geotechnical centrifuge, and the team was there to discuss issues around the commissioning and construction of such a sophisticated machine.  

The National Geotechnical Centrifuge Facility will continue to advise Swinburne on building specifications, safety requirements and at a later stage explore setting up research partnerships. 

Assoc. Prof. Dominic Ong said, “The study-trip opened up so many possibilities, especially how a centrifuge facility can be managed efficiently with 50 research projects going on at the same time and how it can go onto become financially sustainable."