Physical and life sciences

Useful resources for physical and life sciencesChemistry databasesACS Publications Full text journals published by the American Chemical Society. Royal Society of Chemistry Journals Full text journals published by the Royal Society of Chemistry. Physics, optics and photonics databases Life sciences databases                                                                        Biology database (ProQuest) Subject coverage includes …

Useful resources for physical and life sciences

Chemistry databases

ACS Publications Full text journals published by the American Chemical Society. 
Royal Society of Chemistry Journals Full text journals published by the Royal Society of Chemistry.


Physics, optics and photonics databases


Life sciences databases                                                                        

Biology database (ProQuest) Subject coverage includes biological chemistry, biophysics, botany, cytology and histology, microbiology, microscopy and zoology.

BioMed Central Full text journals covering life sciences, biomedicine, medicine and public health.

PLOS: Public Library of Science Full text science journals. Includes PLOS Biology, PLOS Computational Biology, PLOS Genetics, PLOS Pathogens and others.


Multidisciplinary databases

Scopus Leading database of scholarly literature covering all science disciplines.

ScienceDirect Full text journals published by Elsevier. Strong coverage of physical sciences, life and health sciences.

SpringerLink Full text journals published by Springer. Strong coverage of life and physical sciences.

Wiley Online Library Full text journals published by Wiley. Strong coverage of life and physical sciences.


Laboratory protocols

Journal of Visualized Experiments: JoVE Peer-reviewed scienti_c video protocols in biology, chemistry, medicine and other subject areas.


Research methods

Sage Research Methods A database of ebooks, articles and video to help researchers design and conduct research projects, understand methods, identify new methods and write up results. Click Research Tools on the top navigation bar to access the Project Planner and other guides.


Ebook collections

AccessScience Encyclopedia covering all science discipines including physics and chemistry, biology, microbiology and genetics.

Taylor and Francis ( previously known as CRCnetBASE) Ebooks on science and technology including chemistry, physical, life and health sciences.

CHEMnetBASE Chemistry dictionaries and handbooks; covers organic and inorganic chemistry.

Knovel Ebooks on biology and microbiology, chemistry, biochemistry, biotechnology, food science, pharmaceuticals and more. For more ebook collections see Find and use ebooks.


Encyclopedias – chemistry and physics

Encyclopedia of applied physics (Wiley Online Library)

Encyclopedia of analytical chemistry (Wiley Online Library)

Encyclopedia of colloid and interface science (Springer Link) 

Encyclopedia of toxicology

Kirk-Othmer encyclopedia of chemical technology

Van Nostrand’s encyclopedia of chemistry


Encyclopedias – life sciences

Encyclopedia of genetics, genomics, proteomics and informatics (Springer Link)



Knovel critical tables Physical, solvent and thermodynamic properties of inorganic and organic compounds and pure substances.