Antecedents of Employee Engagement at Resident and District Office of Sibu

Faculty of Business and Design
Master of Human Resource Management

Antecedents of Employee Engagement at Resident and District Office of Sibu
The New Public Governance requires the public service employee to embrace dynamism through innovation, be more engaged towards citizen, outcome by having reduced compliance burden and citizen-centered integrated services. It requires the employee to intrinsically motivate and self-determined to make them more engaged in their work. To be self-determination means to experience a sense of choice in initiating, regulating one’s own actions and intrinsically motivate and most importantly making the employee engage in their work and their organisation. Motivation is critical variable in producing maintained change especially in the New Public Governance. Residents and District Office of Sibu Division are the sample for this study. The main objectives are to examine effects of Autonomy, Competency and Relatedness on employee engagement among the employees of R&DO Sibu. Based on the findings of SDT Theory, all of the elements have positive significant correlation with the employee engagement. The different is only in term of the strength of correlation. The strongest positive correlation among SDT Theory is Competence. Autonomy and relatedness is in the average of moderate for the Pearson correlation. Thus, it can be concluded that, competence is the main SDT Theory that possess by Resident and district office staff in related to employee engagement.

Author: Zulkarnain Ismail
Publication year: 2018