Staff Profile

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Ts. Dr. Chung Ping Ping

Lecturer, Faculty of Engineering, Computing & Science, AIMMM (IOM³)
PhD in Materials Engineering (Swinburne University of Technology, Australia)
MSc in Materials for Industry (Loughborough University, UK)
BEng in Mechanical and Materials Engineering (University of Technology Malaysia, Malaysia)

Faculty of Engineering, Computing and Science

Office No:+60 82 260 715
Fax No:+60 82 260 813
Room No: E330
Google Scholar   Scopus   ORCID


Ts. Dr. CHUNG Ping Ping received her Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical & Materials Engineering from University of Technology Malaysia (Malaysia), Master’s degree in Materials Engineering from Loughborough University (United Kingdom) and PhD in Materials Engineering from Swinburne University of Technology (Australia).

She worked as a Corrosion Engineer in Corus Strip Products, UK for 3 years, and an Academic Staff and Engineering Foundation Program Coordinator in Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus (Malaysia) for 5 years before pursuing her PhD. She then resumes her duty as an academic staff in Swinburne Sarawak after her PhD studies.

Research Interests

  • Coating and Surface Engineering
  • Corrosion
  • Materials Characterization

Professional Memberships

  • Committee member of Materials Australia Victoria & Tasmania Branch
  • Associate member of The Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM³)
  • Member of Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM)
  • Professional Technologist of Malaysia Board of Technologists (MBOT)

PhD/Master by Research Opportunities

Prospective higher-degree research candidates are highly welcome to enquire about research opportunities with Ts. Dr. Chung Ping Ping in the listed research areas. For any inquiries, please e-mail for more information.

Research Grants

  • Extraction and characterisation of nanocrystalline cellulose from agricultural wastes, and its utilisation in forming biodegradable plastic composites; Strategic Research Grant (SRG) by Swinburne Sarawak School of Research, Awarded amount MYR 20,000; 2021 – 2023.
  • Optimisation of Wastewater Treatment Using Membrane Separation in Anime CO2 Capture Process; Research Collaboration Grant (RCG) by Swinburne Sarawak School of Research, Awarded amount MYR 20,000; 2021 – 2023.
  • Development of Self-Cleaning Coating for Solar Panels; Research Micro Fund (RMF) by Swinburne Sarawak School of Research, Awarded amount MYR 5,000 (1 year); 2021 – 2022.
  • Nano and Microstructural Characterization of Mechanically Plated Coatings; AUD43,860 worth of beamtime awarded by Australian Nuclear and Science Technology Organization (ANSTO) to use the ultra-small angle neutron scattering (USANS) facility at Australian Centre for Neutron Scattering (ACNS); 2018.
  • Nano and Microstructural Characterization of Mechanically Plated Coatings; AUD30,285 worth of beamtime awarded by Australian Nuclear and Science Technology Organization (ANSTO) to use the ultra-small angle neutron scattering (USANS) facility at Australian Centre for Neutron Scattering (ACNS); 2018.
  • Nano and Microstructural Characterization of Mechanically Plated Coatings Using Grazing Incidence Wide-Angle Scattering; AUD32,784 worth of beamtime awarded by Australian Nuclear and Science Technology Organization (ANSTO) to use the wide-angle X-rays scattering (WAXS) facility at Australian Synchrotron; 2018.


  • 2023 Research Success Award 2023 (by School of Research, Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus) 
  • 2022 Vice-Chancellor’s One Swinburne Award (Swinburne Sarawak’s Inaugural Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Week 2022)
  • 2020 Faculty of Science, Engineering and Technology Higher Degree Research Awards – Postgraduate Student of the Year – Commendation
  • 2019 Marshall Fordham Best Research Paper Award – P.P. Chung, J. Wang, Y. Durandet, P. Cook; “Effects of heat treatment on mechanically plated zinc-tin coating and its corrosion performance”
  • 2019 Faculty of Science, Engineering and Technology Higher Degree Research Publication Award
  • 2019 Faculty of Science, Engineering and Technology Higher Degree Research Awards – Postgraduate Student of the Year – Commendation
  • 2019 Faculty of Science, Engineering and Technology Higher Degree Research Awards – Woman Researcher of the Year – Commendation
  • 2018 Swinburne Research Student Photography and Image Competition – 1st place
  • 2017 Three Minute Thesis Competition (Swinburne University Final) – Runner Up
  • 2017 Three Minute Thesis Competition (Faculty of Science, Engineering and Technology Final) – People’s Choice


  • P. Chung, J. Wang and Y. Durandet, Effects of heat treatment and plating sequence on microstructure evolution and corrosion properties of mechanically plated zinc-tin coatings, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 54 (2023), 791-807.
  • P. Chung, M. Esfahani, J. Wang, P. Cook and Y. Durandet, Effects of heat treatment on microstructure evolution and corrosion performance of mechanically plated zinc coatings, Surface & Coatings Technology 377 (2019), Article 124916.
  • P. Chung, J. Wang and Y. Durandet, Deposition processes and properties of coatings on steel fasteners — a review, Friction 7 (2019) 389-416.
  • P. Chung, P. Cook, J. Wang and Y. Durandet, Effects of heat treatment on mechanically plated zinc-tin coating and its corrosion performance, in Corrosion and Prevention 2018, Adelaide, Australia, Australasian Corrosion Association, Australia, 2018, Paper 54.
  • A. Cantwell, P.P. Chung, H. Jiang, G.D. Wilcox and G.W. Critchlow, The electrodeposition of zinc alloys from ionic liquid electrolytes, in Eurocorr 2009: Corrosion from the Nanoscale to the Plant, Nice, France, 2009. 
  • P. Chung, P.A. Cantwell, G.D. Wilcox and G.W. Critchlow, Electrodeposition of zinc–manganese alloy coatings from ionic liquid electrolytes, Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing 86 (2008) 211-219.