Allocate+ Step by Step Instructions
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 Step by Step Instructions

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How to Use the Allocate+ Class Allocation System

1. Go to you can read more about the Allocate+ system by following the relevant links from this page. When you are ready to log into the system, click on the Access Allocate+ Class Allocation link.

2. At the Allocate+ Student Entry screen, enter your student ID number and your Blackboard Password, then click the "Click here when ready" button.


Stage 1: Preference Entry Mode:

At this stage of the allocation process you will be able to select preferences for the classes of units of study offered in the current teaching period of Semesters or Terms.  (Preference Entry does not apply to Summer and Winter Terms)

3. In the middle of the screen you will now see the name of the course in which you are currently enrolled. Below this is an entry box in which you can enter your email address. This will allow Allocate+ to notify you if a class has been cancelled. If this happens, you will need to logon to Allocate+ again and make another selection for that subject. Enter your email address and click the Add Me button. If you do not have an email address, skip this step.

4. On the left hand side of the screen is a list of subject codes and names in which you are enrolled, and the classes that you are required to attend for each of your subjects (below each class code is an indicator of which mode the subject is in currently, ie. Preference Entry). If you see a subject in which you are not enrolled, check below the subject code/name and you should see "also known as" displayed with your correct subject code - this indicates that the subject in which you are enrolled is also taught with another subject. If you see a subject you are enrolled in with a message below it displaying "No Activities for the Subject", contact SIC for advice.

5. You can now indicate your choices for each of the classes within the displayed subjects: begin by clicking on the first class listed for a subject and the preference entry screen will appear. This screen will display a welcome message, subject name, and the type of class for which you are going to select your timetable preferences. Below this is a list of any current preferences you have already recorded (any messages with updated information relating to this class may also be displayed on this screen).

6. Next you will see a grid format with input boxes next to days and times. Enter your preferences against your chosen day and time with a rating of 1-4 (1 for most preferred), or less if there are fewer options displayed. The percentage sign against each box indicates the current popularity of this class time. If you have chosen to place your preference against a class that is displaying 100% or more, your chances of being allocated to that class are greatly reduced. If you see the heading Multipart Activities on your screen and input boxes against a group of times and days, note that this is an attendance structure pre-determined by the school. When you select multipart activities, you will actually be selecting a group of classes that you must attend. The classes within these groups cannot be mixed. Enter your preferences for multipart activities the same as you would for any other preference entry option.

7. Once satisfied with your preference selections, click the Submit Preferences button and a screen message will indicate that your preferences have been accepted. If you have not entered the correct number of preferences, entered a duplicate preference number, or omitted a preference number, an error message will be displayed identifying your error and asking you to go back (via your Web browser's Back button) to enter your preferences correctly.

8. Repeat this process for each class offered within your displayed subjects by following steps 6-8. You can see the summary of your preferences at any time during the preference selection process by clicking the My Preferences link at the top of the page. You can print your preferences by selecting the Print option from your browser's File menu. Please note that printed "preferences" timetables are not final until the sort process has been completed, click here to view the Allocate+ schedule.

9. Once you are happy with all of your preference choices, log out of the system by clicking the Logout link at the top right hand side of the screen.

Your preferences will be sorted while Allocate+ is closed. Once this process has occurred, you will be able to obtain your timetable from the Allocate+ system and change your allocation if necessary via the Allocation Adjustment mode (See the instructions below). Allocation Adjustment will be available to students prior to and in the early weeks of the teaching period depending on which campus you attend.

Stage 2: Allocation Adjustment Mode

10. The Allocation Adjustment screen can be accessed by following steps 1-4. Once you have selected the class you wish to view, the screen will show you any classes to which you are currently allocated (below each class code is an indicator of which mode the subject is currently in, ie. Allocation Adjustment). Below this there is a grid with other available times and days from which you can select to change your allocation. To change your allocation, click on the appropriate Pick Me link. If your allocation is successful, a message will be displayed saying your change has been accepted; alternatively it may display a message saying your change has been rejected with the reason why your selection is not valid, eg. timetable clash, in which case you should either select another class time or accept the allocation you have already been given.

11. Use the Back button on your browser to return to the previous screen, where your updated class allocation will now be displayed. You can adjust your allocations as many times as you wish but remember every time you remove yourself from one class it becomes immediately available for someone else to choose. On the far right hand side of the allocation adjustment screen you can see how many students have already been allocated to this activity.

12. To print out your allocations, click on the My Allocations link at the top right hand side of the screen, go to your browser's File menu and select the Print option.

13. Once you are finally satisfied with your allocation, click on the Logout link at the top right hand corner of the screen.