AI-powered linking tools

LibKey is powerful suite of services that simplify and accelerate access to content at any point of discovery

LibKey Nomad : one-click articles access

  • LibKey Nomad is a browser extension that facilitates access to the full-text articles of library-subscribed journals, as well as open access journals or any open access versions of articles.
  • LibKey Nomad is active at the site’s researchers visit, including publisher pages, PubMed, Wikipedia and more.
  • Combines information about e-journal holdings, authentication and article linking to deliver one-click access to full-text PDF.
  • Includes Unpaywall data to deliver open access versions when subscribed options are not available.

Installing LibKey Nomad

  • Please click the link to install the LibKey Nomad extension.
  • Refer to the user guide on how to use it. : access journal articles using DOI or PubMed ID

  • DOI resolution technology seamlessly connects researchers to library resources.
  • or also known as DOI search is a landing page where your researchers can connect to millions of library-subscribed and open access articles using a DOI.

How to use

  • Simply click this landing page and start your search by inserting the DOI or PubMed ID of an article.
  • Your affiliation with Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus will be automatically recognised after viewing the landing page.
  • Refer to the user guide on how to use it.

BrowZine : new article alerts for scholarly journals

With the help of BrowZine, you may keep up with the latest research in your field. You can use your account on a desktop, through mobile app, tablet, or both because it syncs across all your devices.

BrowZine’s multi-level subject categories help you find new journals relevant to you research interests. Through the bookshelves in your personal account, you may create personalised article collections, set up new article alerts, and create distinctive journal collections.

How to use BrowZine