Social sciences

Useful resources for social sciences Indigenous StudiesDatabasesIndigenous Australia on InformitIndigenous Collection on InformitPhilosophy DatabasesPsychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection on EbscohostPsychology Collection on Gale Religion & Philosophy Collection onEbscohostReligion & Philosophy Collection on Gale  Psychology Journals on ProQuest Sage KnowledgeSpringer linkInformitPolitics …

Useful resources for social sciences

Indigenous Studies


Philosophy Databases

Politics and International Studies Databases

Coverage includes foreign policy, international relations and terrorism.

Sociology Databases

A platform for more than 40 databases, use this link to search across all of them or to selectindividual, or groups of, relevant databases such as:

A platform with more than 80 databases strongly focused on Australia and Australasia including:

This resource includes citations and full text articles in a range of disciplines, including business, social sciences, health, literature, _lm, political science; as well as news and general interest items. Search multiple databases simultaneously or select individually:

Indexes journals published in Australia and New Zealand covering a range of topics including the social sciences.

Multidisciplinary Databases

A multidisciplinary database covering a range of subject areas including film and televisionstudies. Provides full text for more than 5000 journals, both scholarly and popular.

This resource includes citations and full text articles in academic &professional disciplines, e.g., business, social sciences, health, literature,film, political science; as well as news and general interest items. Searchmultiple databases simultaneously or select individually.

One of the world’s largest abstract and indexing databases.

Research Methods Database

A database of ebooks, articles, videos and other resources to help researchers to design andconduct research projects, understand methods, identify new methods and write up results.

Provides tertiary educational videos (streaming videos and DVDs) within Australia


Online Encyclopaedias, Dictionaries and Handbooks

Selected Ebooks